Have you found in life that our decisions have a ripple effect? Every choice you make leads to another. Next time you have an idea and/or a gut reaction pay attention. See where the journey takes you. You might surprise yourself.

Each decision we make impacts the next decision or action we take.  The state of mind we are in at each moment will reflect in the choices we make.  Take a moment and reflect on your current state of mind.  One way of finding a space to reflect is to use the breathing method.  Try these two simple exercises; breathe in and out through your nose to the count of 4 in and 4 out for a total of 1 minute.  Once you feel you have mastered 1 minute, slowly increase to, 2 minutes and onwards.  The other strategy that is widely used by surgeons, doctors, busy professionals in all industries and students is to focus on 5 conscious breaths, which takes approximately 40 seconds to complete and can be done anywhere.

If we experience ongoing disappointment there is a risk of developing what Psychologists call “learnt helplessness’ and therefore our decisions are influenced by a state of negativity.